Brad Kronen’s Welcome to the Zodiac Series – Pisces

Brad Kronen presents the archived recordings from his “Welcome to the Zodiac“(WTZ) series, a group of 12 introductory lectures originally broadcasted on, each dedicated to one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac.  In each show, Brad explains everything you’d ever want or needed to know about those particular residents of that cosmic wheel of the Universe otherwise known as the signs of the Zodiac.  Not only are the basic personality traits associated with each sign thoroughly discussed in easy to understand language, Brad also relays detailed aspects to each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac most never knew existed, such as their origin along with the variety of everyday things assigned to them such as a sign’s  – tree, flower, spice, animal, foodstuff, dedicated cities throughout the globe, as well as famous personalities born beneath each sign and how their personas reflect the nature of the particular sign each celebrity was born under.  Accompanying every WTZ show is a formal announcement which opens with three choice quotes said by three famous personalities born beneath that show’s highlighted sign. The series also has a “WTZ Icon” for every show, an image chosen by Brad which captures each sign’s overall essence, as well as a “WTZ Song”, a piece of music chosen by Brad which he considers to be that sign’s unofficial “anthem”.

So join the renowned astrologer and author of the 21st century guide to astrology and relationships “Love in the Stars” on a journey like no other, as Brad Kronen introduces the basic wonders which form the foundation of one of Mankind’s most ancient studies, better known as Astrology by welcoming you to the Zodiac.


Pisces GlyphPISCES:
Preternatural Powerhouse
or Passively Powerless?

 “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
– Albert Einstein, Piscean

“You were made perfectly to be loved – and surely I have loved you, my whole life long.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Piscean

Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.”
– Anais Nin, Piscean

The modern day world can be quite overwhelming for this most sensitive of signs. I personally consider those born beneath the last sign of the Zodiac as “psychic anemones”, where their intuitive radar is always on, causing the typical Fish person to be swayed (and many times frayed) by the emotional energies that surround their world. Because of their sign’s acute state of emotional reception and hyper-intuitive sensitivity, “escape” is a very real need for every Piscean. It’s how they choose to escape which determines how well those born under the last of the Water/Mutable/Karmic signs adapt to today’s ever changing pressures.

Does the Piscean:

Take the evolved route of escape by tapping into their sign’s naturally vast reserves of creative imagination and actively participate and/or express themselves in the highest forms of artistic expression associated with their sign such as: Poetry, Ballet, Opera, Painting, Sculpture, Experimental Theater, etc.


Venture down another evolved route of escape where they expand upon their sign’s inherent capacity to be sympathetic to those in need and empathetic to the world’s pain by spending time in any of the following “institutions” which reside under their sign’s naturally ruling 12th House: hospitals, prisons, charity/non-profit organizations of any/all kinds


Escape through the most unevolved methods possible with each  holding the allure and potential of a person losing their entire sense of self into a soul devouring force nebulously known as “the other”, such as the following : alcohol, drugs, pornography, video games, soap operas, bad TV or aimless web surfing on the internet.


Every Piscean comes into this world “preternaturally pre-equipped” with a powerful sense of inborn intuition that over the last few years has been optimally humming along by being in tune with the workings of the real time Universe. This is due to the heavenly body that rules over the sign of the Cosmic Fish otherwise known as “the watery planet”, Neptune, freestyling through its home turf of the deep seas of Pisces since 2011 and will remain in its sign of rulership until January of 2026. As their planetary ruler sails through their sign over the course of the upcoming decade does the Piscean forego their escapist tendencies and fully embrace their preternatural powerhouse selves or go running for cover convinced they are powerless in a self-imposed state of perpetual passivity?

A great example of a Piscean that was fully connected with the Universe at large by embracing a Neptunian lifestyle of unconditional love and who often used fish imagery to get his point across to others:

“I will make you fishers of men.” – Jesus Christ, Piscean

So join me, won’t you? And clasp hands! That tidal wave otherwise known as “the Other” draws ever nearer to sweep us out to open seas.

Brad Kronen’s Welcome to the Zodiac Series archived on – Pisces

Welcome to the Zodiac Icon for Pisces: Every sign of the Zodiac has its symbol. Brad has taken things an astrological step further by choosing images which capture each sign’s essence and making them their official “Icon” for his Welcome to the Zodiac series. The icon selected for each sign ranges from the obvious to the esoteric.

Ichthys greek
In the modern day, how do Christians identify themselves? Through the ancient symbol of the “Ichthys” a Greek word which refers to the animal that symbolically represents the sign of Pisces, “Fish”. A simple stick figure of a fish representing the universality of Christianity may seem insignificantly odd at first glance, but the Ichthys is a powerfully potent symbol with its imagery being nearly as recognizable as the Christian cross itself.
For those who believe the source of Christianity entered this plane of existence on the 25th of December, it’s highly recommended to distract yourselves for the length of this little section. A significant number of today’s astronomers, historians, and astrologers concur that the man who lies at Christianity’s core, better known as Jesus Christ was more than likely born in the early part of March, quite possibly on the 2nd day of that month in the year 5BC. Astrologically, this would make the flesh and blood embodiment of Christianity’s source born beneath the last sign of the Zodiac whose symbol is the Ichthys, itself.

Said another way, Jesus was a Pisces.

With that in mind, it should be of no surprise that the man born beneath the sign associated with spirituality and universal love over any kind of organized religion reinforced that sign’s themes by choosing fishermen as his first apostles, having fishes and loaves materialize to feed countless masses be one of his most impressive miracles, along with telling said fishermen they, in turn, would become “fishers of men”.

The image associated with the end of the Zodiacal road is by far the most simple of the 12 yet hands down is the most cosmic of the bunch.

Welcome to the Zodiac Song(s) for Pisces: “Other-wordliness” is a staple part of the cosmic diet of the Pisces. Neptune is their planetary ruler and attempting to even describe the watery planet’s domains are fiendishly tricky due to the 2nd furthest planet from the Sun being associated with anything considered “intangbile”. Neptune is known as the “boundary-less” planet and its most potent influence over we Earth folk is complete submersion into such intangible things as fantasy, illusion, deception, film, high-brow art, religious secularism, daydreams, and through  addictions of every kind imaginable. Neptune’s penultimate goal is for the “self” to completely become immersed into the “other” where the boundaries of clarity thoroughly dissolve and one can’t tell where they’ve ended and where the “other” begins.

What the evolved Pisces does while in their world of their individualized “other” is what makes them so special.  And my biggest musical influence growing up is o so special because I give this lead singer and her band credit for making me “me” in many ways.

Growing up in a cow town in middle of nowhere Connecticut, I still can remember the first time I saw an image of Missing Persons and oddly enough it was on the evening news with Peter Jennings.  The year was 1982 and the nightly news was on, reporting about a new medium of artistic expression otherwise known as “the music video“. I can still remember looking up from my homework to see a reporter followed by a 5 second clip from the video “Words” by Missing Persons.

I can’t recall what followed afterwards.

Seeing Dale Bozzio’s legs cementedly fixed in place while wearing 6 inch plastic spikes and a plexiglass box over her hips as her torso hypnotically moved back and forth – altered me permanently. As if that wasn’t enough to do me in, not only did this sorceress of a singer bedazzle me with her white hair streaked with bright flashes of blue, green, and fuchsia on the left side of her head, while Dale’s upper body swayed to and fro, a thin strand of braided hair measuring close to 2 feet in length flung in time with the rest of her compact frame.

Missing Persons (consisting of Dale Bozzio, vocals, Terry Bozzio, drums, Warren Cuccurullo, guitar, Patrick O’Hearn, bass, and Chuck Wild, keyboards) was MY band and MY music – not something I was forced to listen to by either of my older brothers. They were one of the first bands that ushered in the early 80’s music movement better known as “Nu Wave”, which deviated from the overplayed classic rock hits from the 70’s and late 60’s.

It was only after becoming an astrologer that I was able to observe how the content of my favorite band’s songs were unmistakably Piscean in essence. Not surprising, considering Missing Person’s leading lady, Dale Bozzio, is herself, a daughter of Neptune, with my rock goddess sharing the same date of birth theoretically as the big “JC” himself of March 2nd.

We’ll start with my favorite song of all time – Words”. In true mutable signed dualistic fashion, the song “Words” has nothing to do with verbal communication.  If the Piscean had it their way, talking would be reserved for emergencies only. Words, for the Fish Folk, are many times sources of confusion that distract the last of the Water signs from being in synch with their natural intuitive radar.

The technological world may make a lot of noise with a bunch of words to get our attention, but how much of it is helpful or even effective? Consider that while pondering the lyrics to this song written close to some 40 years ago:

“Media overload bombarding you with action
It’s getting near impossible to cause distraction
Someone answer me…before I pull out the plug.”

The 2nd Piscean anthem of the Missing Persons kind is entitled “Windows”, where the Pisces wonders aloud why she can’t stay in her daydream land and watch the world go by from within the psychic window in her mind. Keeping in mind this is being pondered over by someone born beneath the Neptunian ruled sign that could make daydreaming an Olympic sport.

Lastly, MP’s most popular hit is called “Destination Unknown”. The Piscean singer may not necessarily have all the details down (that’s Virgo, Pisces’ polar opposite’s job) but still functions in her own way by allowing her intuition to guide her through life.

Gramps may have gone into ancient 80’s music overkill with three versus one Welcome to the Zodiac song but without Missing Persons who knows what Brad would have turned out to be?








Do you hear me? Do you care? Do you hear me? Do you care?
My lips are moving and the sound’s coming out
The words are audible but I have my doubts
That you realize what has been said

You look at me as if you’re in a daze
It’s like the feeling at the end of the page when you realize
You don’t know what you just read.

What are words for?
When no one listens anymore
What are words for?
When no one listens
There’s not use talking at all.

I might as well go up and talk to a wall
C’uz all the words are having no effect at all
It’s a funny thing
Am I all alone?

Something has to happen to change the direction
What little filters through is giving you the wrong impression
“It’s a sorry state”
I say to myself

What are words for?
When no one listens anymore
What are words for?
When no one listens
There’s no use talking at all.

Do you hear me? Do you care? Do you hear me? Do you care?
Let me get by over your dead body
Hope to see you soon, When will I know?
Doors three feet wide with no locks open
Walking always backwards, in the face of strangers
Time could be my friend
But it’s less than nowhere now….

Pursue it any further and another thing you’ll find
Not only are they deaf and dumb they could be going blind
No one notices
I think I’ll dye my hair blue.

Media overload bombarding you with action
It’s getting near impossible to cause distraction
Someone answer me
Before I pull the plug.

What are words for?
When no one listens anymore
What are words for?
When no one listens there’s no use talking at all.

Do you hear me? Do you care?





Something feels so strange tonight
It’s not wrong but it’s just not right
Some hidden complications fill me with hesitation

And it gets so dark in here
I can’t see through doubts and fears
Walled in by expectation
I need a deviation

Change in perspective alternative view
To help me see clearly, observe something new

All I want is a window to look through
All I need is a window to look through
It’s the only thing that I want to do anyway

Outside the world is dangerous it’s hard to find someone to trust
Fills me with reservation Drives me into hibernation
I watch what’s going on but I don’t want to belong
Leave me my introspection
Safely behind protection

All I want is a window to look through
All I need is a window to look through
It’s the only thing that I want to do anyway

Looking through windows at the world
Safe behind windows from the world
Watching my window world go by
Without my window who am I?





“Destination Unknown”

Life is so strange. When you don’t know. How can you tell where you’re going to?
You can’t be sure of any situation. Something could change and then you won’t know

Where do we go from here?
It seems so all too near
Just as far beyond as I can see
I still don’t know what this all means to me

I don’t know where to go
I don’t know what to do
And I don’t even know the time of day
I guess it doesn’t matter anyway

Life is so strange, Destination Unknown
When you don’t know – your destination.
Cause something could change.
It’s unknown
And then you won’t know
Destination Unknown

When will my time come?
Has it all been said and done?
I know I’ll leave when it’s my time to go
Til then I’ll carry on with what I know

Life is so strange. Destination Unknown
When you don’t know – your destination.
Cause something could change
It’s unknown.
And then you won’t know
Destination Unknown

Life is so strange.


Brad Kronen’s dating guide written specifically for the sign of Pisces entitled “Love in the Stars: Pisces Edition” can be purchased at the link listed below:


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