Unprecedented Hate: Orlando’s Massacre and its Karmic Ties to Mass Shootings of the Recent Past, Part III

With all things karmicly considered, one astrological feature prominently stands out in Orlando’s chart by being a key factor in both of the massacre’s Fingers of God along with serving as the connecting bridge which activated the chart’s karmic energies with those of the killer – the planet of sexual drive but more importantly of Guns and Firearms, Mars.

A plague has already begun not just in the United States but globally where militaristic weapons of war are being purchased by individuals who in turn proceed to use those same weapons to destroy the lives of as many innocent victims as they can before either doing themselves in or being forcibly removed from this world by surrounding authorities. By not demanding that our government enact the strictest of requirements which limit access to purchasing these Martian ruled tools of death, we are inviting blood baths like Orlando to occur again, but on a far bigger and more devastating scale.

In this day and age, when we as a technologically savvy, civilized society should be tolerant of every race, creed, color and variation of sexual orientation, Omar Mateen unto himself regretfully represents how much more work humanity still needs to desperately get done.

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Unprecedented Hate: Orlando’s Massacre and its Karmic Ties to Mass Shootings of the Recent Past, Part II

Orlando’s mass murders have been given distinction by being called the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. How can this be when it’s estimated over 100 black people were shot and killed during the East St. Louis Riots in Illinois in 1917 and roughly 150 Lacota Indians, 47 of them women and children were shot dead at the Wounded Knee Massacre in South Dakota in 1890.

The media is amiss for not stipulating that Orlando stands out as the worst case of mass shooting carried out by a lone gunman to date in American History. But even with these distinctions of darkness being clarified, Orlando’s horror is still very much connected to the tragedies which took place in East St. Louis and Wounded Knee by virtue of its displays of violence being concentrated towards a select group of people, namely the LGBT community.

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Unprecedented Hate: Orlando’s Massacre and its Karmic Ties to Mass Shootings of the Recent Past, Part I

The most recent addition to the list of mass shooting horrors not only includes a new geographic location and backdrop setting, it surpasses the rest by instilling a different dimension of blind hatred as its motive, making it the worst case of mass murder by a lone gunman in America’s History to date.

What makes this unspeakable event record-breaking is Orlando’s killings expand beyond the common mass shooting themes of “terrorism” and/or “mental instability” as its motive for occurring. With the slaughter of so many innocent lives taking place at a gay night club, Orlando’s tragedy escalates it to record heights by virtue of the mind numbing event being both the worst case of mass shooting in American history as well as the most notorious example in modern memory of a hate crime being perpetrated by an individual towards a particular minority group.

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