Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton: A Love Writ in Water

Towards the end of his not so long lived life, Richard Burton was asked by a friend what the epitaph on his grave should read. Without pausing, the actor quoted the English Romantic poet John Keats saying, “Here lies one whose name was writ in water.”

Apt words said by a person whose birth occurred while the Sun was placed in the element of Water in the sign of Scorpio. A phrase which could just as easily been applied if the epitaph included both himself and the love of his life, fellow Water sign, Elizabeth Taylor.

There’s an old astrological adage that at first glance sounds almost dimwitted for its obviousness, but its meaning holds far more of a profound significance: “Water Reflects.” Should a person born beneath the element of Water experience inner doubt or question their self-worth, quite often they’ll “reflect” the strongest aspects of their surroundings. This mirroring effect of the Water sign could take the form of imitating another in closest vicinity with the strongest ego or by the Watery person “reflecting” the traits of their overall environment should they stand out substantially more than any one person’s personality.

The love affair between actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton was notoriously well known in part because at its tempestuous core were two Water signs desperately trying to find their own sense of self within each other’s famous reflection.

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