Beneath the Surface – The Cancerian Camera of Ringo Starr, Part II

It began with an overlooked box.

Placed on a high shelf, the box had changed locations after numerous moves, numerous times. Nobody considered opening it.

Until 2012, when much to Ringo Starr’s delight he discovered the box contained old postcards that went back as far as 50 years earlier.

And that was just the tip of the sentimental iceberg.

While in the process of “tidying up”, the man known as the “Fourth Beatle” came across a hitherto unopened drawer that when discovered, revealed the most priceless of treasures – hundreds of photographic negatives, the majority taken during a time when the Beatles were still a band and more popular than the big G himself, 1964-1970.

With every photo being taken by the Fourth Beatle, himself.

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Beneath the Surface – The Cancerian Camera of Ringo Starr, Part I

The Funny one. The Last one. The Fourth one.

These are some of the various nicknames that have been tagged onto the personage of Ringo Starr, former drummer and part time vocalist for the band that many regard to be the most influential group in rock history – The Beatles.

Being a Beatles aficionado myself, I’ll be the first to admit the Water signed members of The Fab Four got the short end of the stick when it came to the band’s overall global popularity and international fandom. True to their astrological elements, the Watery duo of Ringo the homey Cancerian and George the humble Piscean quietly took an emotionally sensitive back seat to the non-stop jet stream of verbal communication and creatively rich ruminations that emanated from the Air signed duo of Libran John Lennon and Gemini Paul McCartney.

Despite the majority of the Free World waiting with anxious anticipation over every thought and utterance that came from the powerhouse pair of Lennon & McCartney during the height of the band’s popularity, the watery members of the Fab Four seemed content simply in being exactly just that.

However among the Beatle obsessed, it’s inherently understood The Fab Four didn’t become a musical religion in their own right due to Ringo and George meekly shutting up, looking pretty, and playing their respective instruments whenever needed. Both Water signed mop tops were crucial contributors to the Beatles’ stratospheric success by ways that were indicative of their shared astrological element of Water.

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