Born Beneath a Self Combusting Sun: Arnold, Bill, Martha, and Monica

With words like “Sun”, “Star”, and “Shine”often used to describe the Solar ruled personality, everything is lit up, out in the open, and on display for all to see. But nothing in the Universe can be that strongly one dimensional all the time nor can anything be so powerfully placed in the positive spectrum without there being some kind of opposing balance or without burning out altogether.

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Brad Kronen’s Astrological Dating Guide “Love in the Stars” Now Individually Tailor Made for each Zodiacal Sign!

  Happy Autumn, Everyone! It’s the first week of October and for many of us this time of year is a reminder to begin motivating ourselves in preparation for a particular seasonal activity – Christmas Shopping! Brad thought he would ease some of the potential Yuletide pressure by letting everyone know his astrological dating guide […]

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Death & The Maidens – Sylvia Plath, Assia Wevill, and Ted Hughes

Their highly charged romance has been described as “the Romeo and Juliet of the 20th century” and their conjoined artistry has been likened to “a poetic powerhouse rivaled only by Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning”. Despite all the literary and poetic accolades heaped upon the two, the relationship between the greatest poets of their Age, Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, is made hollow by the nature of the couple’s highly tragic Fate.

To be expected, the marriage between these Fixed sign intellectuals appears to have always been fueled by both the Leo’s and Scorpio’s inherently intense passions but even with that said, your Author must emphasize the following astrological relationship rule:

A marriage between two Fixed Signs is never “easy” by virtue of the varying degree of “challenge” that is constantly present.

And a marriage between two Fixed Signs who are each important in their own individualized right that has no sense of compromise between the two, is undoubtedly doomed.

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Roman Polanski: The Ever Elusive Search for Security, Part II

As with anything possessing key significance within the Universe, Pluto’s conjunction to the Moon has repercussions in both the positive and negative spectrums for Polanski. The primal power created by their conjunction in the positive spectrum enabled the man to survive both his childhood and the War. Yet the Moon being placed next to Pluto produced repercussions deep within the negative spectrum that have held influence over the darkest depths of Polanski’s psyche, causing him to act from a place of pure impulse with no rational thought or moral sense of judgement being applied whenever triggered. All in all the repercussions from both spectrums would indicate that Roman Polanski has existed in a state of inner unrest for most of his life.

Inner unrest that throughout the course of his life would drive him to search for that most elusive treasure which lies beneath the Moon’s domain – the inner peace and fulfilling contentment brought about by emotional security.

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Roman Polanski: The Ever Elusive Search for Security, Part I

There are some people in this world whose lives are not to be believed. With a statement of that kind, one immediately assumes a reference is being made to those who are maverick rogues or bold adventurers due to the automatic presumption their lives are THAT exciting and function wholly within the positive spectrum of things.

Not so with Roman Polanski.

Practically from the moment the man entered this plane of existence, he was forced to face horrors so profoundly disturbing, one has a hard time accepting the fact these various layers of Hell were all experienced by the same individual over the course of just his life span.

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Born Beneath a Self Combusting Sun: Arnold, Bill, Martha, and Monica

The hubris of many an unevolved Sun ruled person is the mistaken belief of them thinking he or she is equal to the Gods and above reproach from the Laws of Man. What began as an astrological “connect the dots” of recognizing a running theme of the Leo basking in the spotlight of fame with that same Leonine personality being the cause of their own undoing has unfolded further out into “The Grid” of the Cosmos, with the birth chart taking on an entirely new dimension of meaning and karmic purpose.

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The Mother of Us All: The Nurturing Nature of Roy Horn

Despite Roy Horn of the famed Las Vegas duo “Siegfried & Roy” being a Libra and being mauled by one of his own tigers on his actual birthday on October 3rd, 2003, my article which focuses on Roy’s astounding ability to communicate with his big cats is quite apropos for the Zodiacal time period allotted to the sign of the maternal nurturer, Cancer. The nurturing force of motherly intuition is inherently powerful for Horn, given he was born with a stellium of 4 heavenly bodies in Cancer’s 4th House and his natal Saturn and North Node were placed in the sign of the Crab as well. The man is unique unto himself since he is a nurturer like no other with his big felines being his literal children:

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