Brad Kronen Explores the Discovery of Pluto with the Rise of Nazism in his latest Book, “Evil’s Devotion”

The two decades prior to the mid-point of the 20th century bear a unique significance on numerous levels – historically, sociologically, ethically, and astronomically. In 1930 an event occurred that not only forever altered Man’s working knowledge of the Solar System, it also permanently changed the foundation of that great cosmic circle in the heavens better known as the Zodiac – the observational discovery of the planet Pluto. Naturally adhering to the cosmic law of “As Above, Is Below”, soon after humanity became aware of Pluto’s existence, our own planet witnessed a number of things take place on the world’s stage that could only be described as being thoroughly Plutonian in essence.

And the most Plutonian of those things was the rise and subsequent fall of
Nazism and the Third Reich.

Nazism was a sociological phenomenon never before seen where an entire nation was brainwashed with an ideology of racist hatred and believed lies. With that said, it’s no cosmic coincidence the evil genius named Josef Goebbels who both orchestrated as well as housed this system of societal brainwashing all beneath the header of” Propaganda” was born a Scorpio, the sign ruled by the planet Pluto.

Pluto also oversees anything of an obsessive nature and obsession when placed wholly from within the positive spectrum is called by a different name – “Devotion”. The three greatest devotees within the Third Reich who devoted their every waking energy along with their very lives to Nazism and its supreme leader, Adolf Hitler, are the subject of Brad Kronen’s book entitled, “Evil’s Devotion: Josef Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, & Eva Braun”.

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Josef & Magda Goebbels: Scorpios Bound in Power, Purity, and Propaganda – Part II

As mentioned in Part I, the Minister of Propaganda had successfully trained his people into fearfully perceiving a foreign force known as Jewish intellectualism was soon to invade and destroy their world as they knew it. With that fear firmly put into place mentally, Goebbels stoked Germany’s sense of irrational paranoia by adding visual reinforcement.

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Josef & Magda Goebbels: Scorpios Bound in Power, Purity, and Propaganda, Part I

In no uncertain terms, Josef Goebbels was a PR and marketing genius who used propaganda to brainwash an entire nation into accepting his mindset of evil through both conscious and subconscious means. Standing barely over 5 feet tall and disabled by a clubbed foot that isolated him from birth, the dark haired, dour faced man deluded his people into thinking that not only were they a master race of humans that were superior above all others, but that he and his family were the perfect prototypes by which to model themselves by.

Read more "Josef & Magda Goebbels: Scorpios Bound in Power, Purity, and Propaganda, Part I"